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/Herkunft/ von Saša Stanišić als Reise durch diskursive Weltbilder | German-language lecture: Goranka Rocco

HHU, room

Since receiving the Chamisso Prize in 2008 Saša Stanišić has been firmly established within the canon of German writers who grapple with tropes of a ‘literature of migration’ and represent the transcultural consciousness inherent in contemporary language use. Drawing on a case study co-authored with A. Ščukanec, G. Rocco presents an exploration of Stanišić’s novel Herkunft which pays special attention to traces of discursive views of the world (Czachur 2013) as well as reflecting interlingual discursive transfer (Rocco 2017) and the treatment of discursive, culture-bound elements (Bilan 2017) – both in the German source text and the Croatian translation Porijeklo.  

Goranka Rocco is Professor for German Language and Translation at the University of Trieste. She completed her studies at the University of Zagreb, obtained her PhD at the University of Düsseldorf. She has taught at the universities of Düsseldorf, Duisburg-Essen, Bologna and, since 2011, Trieste. In 2018 she was awarded the German Academic Exchange Service’s ‘Premio Ladislao Mittner’. Goranka Rocco specializes in Contrastive Discourse Linguistics, Textology, Sociolinguistics and Translation. 

Event language: German 

Limited seats, please register: CTS_dus(at)hhu.de