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Translation Studies

Literaturübersetzen als Reflexion und Praxis

Edited by:

Prof. Dr. Volker C. Dörr
PD Dr. Vera Elisabeth Gerling
Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann

Cultures, Languages and Literatures have always been in flux and motion. Globalization, which is part and parcel of processes of migration and transfer, poses new challenges for research in cultural and literary studies. The paradigm of translation describes the mutual processes of negotiation that underlie all cultures. It casts light on transitions that question stable identities and delineated spaces, all while sharpening a view on cultural dynamics. The TRANSFER series is dedicated to various forms of cultural and historical translation. It offers an interdisciplinary forum for diverse and innovative discussions on cultural, linguistic and literary processes of exchange.


Performative Acts Across Language, Culture and Media

The contributions to this volume emerged from a seminar project that explored processes of translation, adaptation and performance and investigated moments of signification emerging from cultural, linguistic and medial borderlands. The podcast scripts, interviews and introductory reflections assembled here raise such questions as: What happens in the ‘spaces between’ that open up in processes of transposition, translation or intermedial transfer? How do those spaces influence the construction and consolidation of language and forms of articulation, how do they impact conceptions of identity and alterity? And to what extent do those borderlands of linguistic, literary and medial re-​creation reflect back on the ever-​shifting conditions of human existence and conviviality?

Find details and downloads here.

Belgische Literaturen in deutscher Übersetzung

Kulturelle und historische Verflechtungen von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart

Anja van de Pol-​Tegge's monograph, Belgische Literaturen in deutscher Übersetzung: Kulturelle und historische Verflechtungen von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart, deals with the reception of Belgian literature in Germany. Van de Pol-Tegge analyzes translations of a selection of Belgian novels, both in French and Dutch, into the German language by applying a comparative method. You can find more information (in German) here.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Edlich-Muth

(2019). “A Computational Approach to Source Adaptation in Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur”. In: The Digital Medievalist 12.1. [with Christian Edlich-Muth]

(2018). “A Saint’s Romance - Rosa, Rosana and the Hispano-Norwegian Links Shaping ‘Florez ok Blankiflur”. In: Miriam Edlich-Muth (Ed.): Medieval Romances Across European Borders (Medieval Narratives in Transmission 1). Turnhout: Brepols, 57–75.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Nebrig

(2021). "Romanwelt und Vertriebsgebiet. Der globale Horizont der Bücher von Leo Perutz und ihre internationale Verwertung." In: Urs Büttner, David Kim (Eds.). Globalgeschichten deutscher Literatur. Probleme – Ansätze – Methoden, Stuttgart: Metzler, 41–163.

(2020). "Das Übersetzungsrecht als Faktor einer multilateralen Literaturgeschichte." In: Stephan Meder (Ed.). Geschichte und Zukunft des Urheberrechts II. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 169–188.

(2019). "Berthold Auerbachs Spinoza-Rezeption in den Schwarzwälder Dorfgeschichten und die Entdeckung der internationalen Autorschaft." In: Weimarer Beiträge 65.1, 5–28.

(2019). "Talente im Lizenzraum. Brechts Dreigroschenroman und die Verwertung immaterieller Güter." In: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 171.1, 1–27.

(2018). "Aller Länder Leserschaft. Verlage zwischen internationaler Lizenzvergabe und Weltrechten." In: Carlos Spoerhase & Steffen Martus (Eds.). TEXT+KRITIK. Sonderband: Gelesene Literatur. Populäre Lektüre im Zeichen des Medienwandels. München: Edition Text+Kritk, 160–169.

(2018). "Vers l’est. Transgression de la littérature narrative allemande en direction de ses voisins orientaux (Ulrike Draesner / Terézia Mora)." In: Wolfgang Asholt & Patricia Oster-Stierle (Eds.). Europe en mouvement. Lieux, passages Berlin à Cerisy, Cerisy à Berlin. Bd. 1. Paris: Hermann, 71–81.

(2007). “Charles de Villers und das gelehrte Göttingen. Eine deutsch-französische Utopie.“ In: Cahiers d’études germaniques 53, 21–34. 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann

(2021). “The Postmonolingual Turn.” In: Literary Research 37, 223-230. [with Stefan Helgesson]

(2020). "’Each phrase go be soaked in salt’ – Vernacular Worlds in Derek Walcott’s Poetry." In: Textual Practice 34.2, 721-741.

(2020). "Our mother tongue, then, is no mother at all – but an orphan: The Mother Tongue and Translation in Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous." In: Anglia, 138.2, 277–298.

(2020). "The Uneven Travels of World Literature: On Creole and Untranslatability in Sam Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners and Miriam Mandelkov’s Die Taugenichtse." In: Journal of World Literature, 5.1, 25-46.

(2018). "Sprache, Übersetzung, Selbstübersetzung: Ngugi Wa Thiong’os Poetiken zwischen Lokalität und Translokalität. " In: Vera Geling & Belén Santana López (Eds.). Literaturübersetzen als Reflexion und Praxis. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 135-155.

(2018). “Vernacular Cosmopolitanism in Anglophone World Literatures – Comparative Histories of Literary Worlding.“ In: Global Perspectives on European Literary Histories. Special Issue of Arcadia, 53.2, 239–257.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Regina Schober

(2019). "Adaptation as Connection: A Network Theoretical Approach to Convergence, Participation, and Co-Production." In: Johannes Fehrle & Werner Schäfke (Eds.). Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence. Amsterdam University Press, 189-197.

(2017) "Between Nostalgic Resistance and Critical Appropriation: Contemporary Fiction on/of the Information Age and the Potentials of (Post)Humanist Narrative." In: Amerikastudien/American Studies 61.3: 359-379.

(2017) Data Fiction: Naturalism, Narrative, Numbers. Special Issue of Studies in American Naturalism, with James Dorson. 12.1

(2016) Theorizing the Quantified Self: Self-Knowledge and Posthumanist Agency in Contemporary US-American Literature. With Ulfried Reichardt and Stefan Danter. Quantified Selves/Statistic Bodies. Special Issue of Digital Culture and Society. Ed. Pablo Abend and Mathias Fuchs. 2.1: 53-70.

(2015) Network Theory and American Studies. Special Issue of Amerikastudien/American Studies, with Ulfried Reichardt and Heike Schäfer. 60.1

(2014) The World Wide Sea: Oceanic Metaphors, Concepts of Knowledge, and Transnational America in the Information Age. Review of International American Studies 7.1: 9-34.

(2014) Transcending Boundaries: The Network Concept in 19th Century US Philosophy and Literature. American Literature 86.3: 493-521.

(2013) Adaptation as Connection: Transmediality Reconsidered. Adaptation Studies. New Challenges, New Directions. Ed. Jorgen Bruhn, Anne Gjelsvik and Eirik Frisvold Hanssen. London, New York: Bloomsbury, 89-112.

(2012) It’s About Being Connected: Reframing the Network in Colum McCann’s Post 9/11 Novel Let The Great World Spin. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 60.4: 391-402.

(2012) Musik als Experiment: Transmediale Verhandlungen in Amy Lowells imagistischer Lyrik. Experimente in den Künsten. Literatur, Film, Theater, bildende Kunst, Musik. Ed. Stefanie Kreuzer. Bielefeld: Transcript, 305-334.

(2010) Translating Sounds: Intermedial Exchanges in Amy Lowell’s Poetry. Media Borders. Intermediality, Modality, and Multimodality. Ed. Lars Elleström. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 163-174.


The series "Düsseldorf Übersetzt" ("Düsseldorf translates") has been publishing student translations from university projects since 2010.

A new trilingual anthology in the series was published in September 2022. The book contains short stories by authors from Africa and the African diaspora in English as well as French. The German translations are produced by Literary Translation Students as part of the project "Blick in die Zukunft - Gegen das Vergessen".

An overview of the series is provided below (click the cover to enlarge). For more information, reviews and links for online purchase, see the dup-​website (German only) for publications 1-9 and the C. W. Leske Verlag website for publication 10.

Timescapes - aller-retour

Erzählungen aus afrikanischen Kontexten

by Vera Gerling, Birgit Neumann & Eva Ulrike Pirker (editors)

publication 10 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2022

Algo tan trivial. Fausto Alzati Fernández
Sowas ganz Banales. Fausto Alzati Fernández

by Bianca Morales García (editor)

publication 9 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2017

Snapshots. Stories from African Countries
Schnappschüsse. Erzählungen aus afrikanischen Ländern

by Sonja Frenzel & Stephanie Kreiner (editors)

publication 8 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2017

Vita da cani

by Sieglinde Borvitz (editor)

publication 7 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2016

Umzug. Poesía de Antonia Torres
Mudanza. Übersetzt von Karolin Viseneber

by Antonia Torres & Karolin Viseneber

publication 6 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2015

Die Reise nach Paris
Il viaggio a Parigi

by Chiara de Manzini Himmrich

publicatoin 5 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2015

Problema resuelto. Cuentos argentinos de Fernando Sorrentino
Problem gelöst. Argentinische Erzählungen von Fernando Sorrentino

by Vera Elisabeth Gerling & Andrea Schmittmann (editors)

publication 4 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2014

Animaliter. Zeitgenössische Erzählungen aus Italien
Animaliter. Racconti italiani contemporanei

by Sieglinde Borvitz & Wiebke Langer (editors)

publication 3 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2014

Seuils. Nouvelles franco-canadiennes
Schwellen. Franko-kanadische Erzählungen

by Felix Mayer & Mona Wodsak (editors)

publication 2 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2012

Voces. Cuentos argentinos
Stimmen. Argentinische Erzählungen

by Vera Gerling & Karolin Viseneber (editors)

publication 1 in the series Düsseldorf übersetzt

Düsseldorf 2010